From Service Desk specialist to a leader - Adam's story
"Without a culture of sharing knowledge, leading wouldn't be possible. A large part of the skills I gained was passed on to me by people who had experience in this field. To this day, they are still happy to help me" reveals Adam who works at ANIXE as IT Service Desk Leader.
What was your beginning at ANIXE like?
I started my adventure with ANIXE as a Service Desk Specialist. The beginnings were quite challenging, owing to a complete lack of experience in the IT industry and the large amount of new knowledge I had to take on board. Fortunately, my team was (still is;)) great and supported my implementation from the very beginning. After about a year and a half, the chance of promotion opened up, and the idea began to grow in my head to try my hand at being a Supervisor. It turned out that my hunch came true, and I took the position. After a year, another opportunity came, and due to some changes in the company's structure, I became the IT Service Desk Leader.
What exactly do you do as an IT Service Desk Leader?
The responsibilities are quite diverse. There is no place for stagnation and boredom. I monitor and coordinate my team's work, and I am responsible for the quality of the tasks carried out. The role also includes responsibilities related to management, such as recruitment, feedback sessions, knowledge evaluation and development of Service Desk members' skills.
For me, being a leader is 24 hours a day, seven days a week responsibility. I want to support my team even when I'm not physically at work. That is why I am available in case of an emergency that requires intervention or some advice. Thanks to this, I feel that as a team, we trust each other, and we can rely on each other in every situation.
You have come a long way at ANIXE. What have you learned during this time?
I could mention so many things! As a person who had no experience in IT, I had a lot of catching up to do. Starting with how a working system in an IT company looks like and ending with technical issues such as tools and procedures used by Service Desk. I have also gained experience in monitoring large platforms and building relationships with clients. The latter takes a lot of empathy and patience but is incredibly satisfying.
What is your recipe for being a leader?
Without a culture of sharing knowledge, leading wouldn't be possible. A large part of the skills I gained was passed on to me by people who had experience in this field. To this day, they are still happy to help me, and I am glad to consult them in case of a problem or question. Also, I put a lot of effort into expanding my knowledge based on courses, webinars, and books. Thanks to this, I have learned how to build relationships in a team, motivate, train or recruit. Of course, this process is still ongoing, and I am expanding my competencies, that hopefully will make the Service Desk see me as a more trustworthy and competent person.
What do you value in people from your team?
The Service Desk employees are young people, for whom it is often their first job after graduation. Despite their limited experience (how do I know it ;)), they are very committed, incredibly fast learners and cooperative. Everyone is willing to help (the so-called "can-do attitude" is our philosophy), so we have a family atmosphere. It makes Mondays less scary.
What do you like the most in ANIXE?
ANIXE is an incredibly dynamic IT company. It is not a typical corporation where I come and do excel tables for 8 hours. My tasks are varied, and I learn something new every day. I am glad that ANIXE has created a developmental work environment that motivates a person to acquire new skills.