Knowledge and empathy – the key to success
Many people think that years of experience at a corporation and a programming diploma are the most desirable competencies for a developer role. What is the superpower that you can bring to a company you apply to?
Here at ANIXE, we're not interested in your diploma. It doesn't matter that you hold an English computer science degree. Instead, we care about your skills and personality. So, what is essential for us during recruitment? What can you expect during the recruitment process? See what our team leaders pay attention to during our recruiting process.
Theodoros Mathioudakis - Senior Software Engineer/Team Leader
What is important for you during the recruitment process?
During the recruitment process, I focus on the candidate's technical ability and especially their soft skills. Show us that you have a good personality and are empathetic. It would help if you could easily express your thoughts and, at the same time, be a good listener. Communication skills are fundamental in this job - nobody likes "great" engineers with whom they can't talk. At ANIXE, business is essential to all decisions taken. It's important to understand that we build things to satisfy our customer's needs - that is our goal. Our developers don't write code just for code – we have much more impact than you think.
But what about technical skills?
I don't look at your educational diplomas; however, you must know the fundamentals of the technology stack you use. You have to focus on the under-the-hood things and not the framework stuff (a good understanding of how JavaScript works is more important than knowing a new feature added on the latest angular version). Other things vital for me as a team leader during recruitment are:
• Being "Up to date" with your specialty. Everything changes extremely quickly - especially technology.
• Understanding how things work end-to-end and that whatever you implement is part of a bigger group of items that needs to work well together.
• Good analytical thinking and problem-solving attitude. Simple/smart solutions over fancy/over-engineered/ready-made/over-complicated/myopic solutions.
Dora Papadopoulou - Senior Software Engineer/Team Leader
What is important for you during the recruitment process?
Be transparent regarding technical and soft skills. Be prepared to answer any question, even with "I don't know", and be ready to explain every part of the technical assessment during the interview. If you want to join my team, you must have a team player attitude; here at ANIXE, you are never alone with your work. Helping other team members and sharing knowledge is the standard and trendy thing to do.
What about a candidate’s education?
I would appreciate it if you worked on an innovative project in previous jobs. It makes it easier for you to understand projects in ANIXE. You should have an excellent technical background in general, including various languages and using various tools. You don't have to be familiar with the technologies and tools my team use. Of course, you should be proficient in two coding languages, at least one of them used by my team.