What makes you feel part of the team?
Building a team is an exciting time but also a challenge, especially during a pandemic. However, here at ANIXE, nothing is impossible – as our Ecom division is the perfect example – a team built from scratch can effectively operate even if most interactions occur online.
The people who work here have made ANIXE a unique place for many years. They have created a fantastic working atmosphere with their energy. The hybrid work system and the pandemic have meant that most of our interactions have been done remotely. Video conferences and calls are part of a new reality. Although, ANIXE employees meet regularly on designated days in the office so they can discuss their projects and see each other - as before the pandemic. Somehow, the team, which formed in the middle of the lockdown in 2020, is quite popular. They are incredibly close to each other and exhibit real team spirit. What do ECOM members say about their bond?
It is said that there is a unique atmosphere at ECOM. Is that true?
Sebastian (Head of Ecom Business Unit) sometimes even extreme, personality types. It was not easy at first. However, mutual acceptance and empathy quickly developed.
The team formed in the middle of a pandemic, and a lockdown significantly impacted our integration as a new team. From the very beginning, we missed that direct contact in real life. So when the possibility of adopting a hybrid working mode appeared rather than maintaining the complete remote system, we all agreed that we would love to meet in the office - even if it was only for a few days. Nothing can replace the possibility of chatting over coffee, having lunch together, and of course, working effectively together. For example, you can discuss design things at a shared table instead of in a video, which is much more natural and we felt brought better results in our work.
Beata (Technical Product Owner) It is said that we have a separate existence in the company. And that's partly true. Since ANIXE created the entire team from scratch during the pandemic, we had to emphasise communication strongly. Together with Sebastian(Head) and Filip (Tech Lead), we wanted to make each person feel like they belong and are part of the team.
I guess that's the way it is. As never before, I feel supported by both of my teams, I know that I am not alone in the project, and each person will help me as needed. We look for solutions together. And being in the office, we always have a morning chat over coffee.
Do you have any "rituals" that accompany you during your office meetings?
Beata (Technical Product Owner) We always have a morning chat over coffee and shared lunches – this is the norm. But, of course, we always try to see each other regularly after work, and we are slowly trying to introduce board games into office games.
Sebastian (Head of ECOM Business Unit) We have our rituals, "calls," inside jokes ", and emotes on the slide, which are understandable only to us. They were created during some funny or difficult design situations.
What do you think is the most important in building relationships in a team?
Sebastian (Head of ECOM Business Unit) It is a long-standing topic, but most of all, we should take care of everyday ambitious and original professional challenges. Nothing develops a bond like a common goal.
As a leader, I focus on empathy and being interested in each of them.
First of all, you need to support, support, and once again support every team member, regardless of their position – in both the big and small things. When a leader is an engineer, it is essential to develop soft skills. (communication is the key), try to understand generational differences and adapt to labour market changes.